Facing the Shadow
Online Coaching

The Hero’s Journey™ Facing the Shadow Online Coaching is a 12-week individualized (one-on-one) psychoeducational class for men who are struggling with maintaining sobriety or starting their recovery program and are interested in expanding their insight and growth by working every week on a task-centered treatment approach developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes, PhD, the leading expert on sex addiction. Participants will also learn about Sex & Love Addiction, complete the first 7 out of 30 tasks developed by Dr. Carnes, to assist sex addicts address their compulsive, destructive behaviors. Participants will also learn to identify triggers, implement healthy coping skills, develop a self-care regimen, create a network of support, and learn about healthy sexuality.
The following areas will also be discussed:
Education on Sex Addiction & Partner Trauma
12-Steps Programs for Sex & Love Addicts
Family of Origin issues
Trauma Resolution
Shame Reduction
Breaking Free of Denial & Facing Unmanageability
Learning the Fundamentals of Recovery
Developing a Relapse Prevention Plan
Creating Boundaries
Healthy Relationship & Sexuality
Effective Communication
Participants will also take the Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI-4) and the Post-Traumatic Stress Index (PTSI-R) online assessment tests, a $200.00 value included in the total price of the class.
The psychoeducational class is facilitated by a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), who is also in recovery and has personally worked the Facing the Shadow workbook. Join us every week so we can guide you and help you on your recovery journey. The total cost for the program is $700.00 each month for three months or one payment of $1800.00 (a $300 savings)
If you're interested in joining this online class, please register below and someone will contact you to schedule your individual online appointment.
" The unexamined life is not worth living" ~Socrates